Best Hematuria Doctors in Dallas-Fort Worth

Yikes! Why Is There Blood in My Urine?

It can be alarming when you see a pinkish, bright red or dark cola-coloured spot in the toilet. Something must be amiss, right? Sometimes, blood in the urine (hematuria) is caused by something harmless. But it can also be a sign of a serious health issue. When seeking treatment, it’s crucial to consult with the best hematuria doctors to ensure proper care and diagnosis.

Although hematuria often isn’t painful, it is a warning sign that should be checked out.

Blood in Urine treated by best hematuria doctors

We Clear Up the Mystery

Urology Partners of North Texas are the best hematuria doctors, experts in successfully identifying the root cause of your hematuria. Armed with answers, we create a personalized treatment plan to clear it up at our hematuria clinic.

What is hematuria?

“Hematuria” means blood in the urine. Blood that is easily visible in urine is called gross hematuria. Urine may appear pink, red or a dark cola shade because of red blood cells in the urine.

Blood that is invisible to the naked eye but visible under a microscope is known as microscopic hematuria. Usually, individuals with microscopic hematuria are unaware of the condition because there aren’t any other symptoms. In most cases, it is detected when a urine sample is provided during a routine health exam.


What causes blood in the urine?

There are many reasons blood could be present in urine. Some causes aren’t serious and include:

  • Monthly menstruation (inadvertently seen in the urine)
  • Sexual activity
  • Vigorous exercise
  • Kidney stones
  • Viral illnesses
  • Infections (urinary tract, bladder or prostate)

Other reasons may be related to a more significant health issue, such as:

  • Inflammation of the kidney, urethra, bladder or prostate
  • Polycystic kidney disease
  • Blood clots
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Bladder cancer
  • Kidney cancer
Red blood cells

How is hematuria diagnosed?

A repeat urine test is usually the first step in determining if blood in the urine may be caused by an underlying health issue. If no blood is found in a second urine sample, then additional testing isn’t needed. If the repeat test contains blood or protein, additional tests will be ordered and may include:

  • Repeat urine test to check for white or red blood cells
  • Blood test to check kidney function
  • Ultrasound, x-ray or CT scan
  • Cystoscopy to view the inside of the bladder
  • Biopsy of a tissue sample from the kidney
Urine color grading strips

How is hematuria treated?

Once the underlying cause for blood in urine is determined, an appropriate treatment plan can be prescribed to address the health issue and clear up hematuria.

Lab illustration at hematuria clinic
Health Navigator

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